Scouse Press Books

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We currently have 15 individual books and 1 Scouse Press History book pack available.

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You can purchase individual books using the links below. If you’d like to mix and match books or combine them with other products, simply contact us via our contact form, and we’ll be happy to assist you in arranging your order.

Explore the full range below and find the perfect addition to your collection or a thoughtful gift for someone who loves Liverpool!


The Scouse Press History Pack


The Scouse Press History Pack includes:

An Illustrated Every day history of Liverpool and Merseyside
Bombers over Merseyside
Giant Panorama
Liverpool & Slavery
Merseyside at war
The Liverpool Directory 1766

Bought separately this would cost: £26.49. Pack cost: £20.00

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A Game Of Two Halves, Brian


The language of Football by Fritz Spiegl

A guide to football commentary cliches and terminology. Illustrated by the late, great Bill Tidy.

150 Grams
163 Pages
Dimensions: 13 x 19.5 cm

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An Illustrated EVERYDAY HISTORY of Liverpool and Merseyside


This book covers everyday events in Liverpool from the first recorded in 432 A.D.when ” Saint Patrick sailed from the Mersey” apparently on his way to Ireland but was shipwrecked on the Isle of Man;  to the final entry in 1940 when Liverpool raised a huge sum of money for War weapons. 

It is illustrated with maps, drawing and photographs which tell of the history of Liverpool, it’s triumphs and tragedies; originally published by Gore.  

ISBN: 9780901367341

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Bombers Over Merseyside


Authorised reprint (1983) from the original record of the 1940-1941 blitz by Liverpool Daily Post and Echo illustrated with photographs of the time, with people going about their business amidst ruins and destruction, and of kindnesses to each other and bewildered pet animal

102 Grams
49 Pages
Dimensions: 17.5 x 22.5 cm

ISBN: 9780901367273.

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An A-Z of confusibles, lookalikes and soundalikes.  If you can’t tell your exacerbate from your exasperate or pray from prey, this just might be the book for you.  It is written with erudition and good humour by Fritz Spiegl.

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Giant Panorama of Liverpool in 1865


This is a reproduction of the 1865 view of Liverpool, drawn by two artists, Jackson and Sulman, who were situated in a tethered balloon above the Mersey. This astonishing view measures 6’8″ (203cm) when open (10 A4 pages side by side) and is highly detailed, showing present day landmarks and lost buildings, windmills and countryside, whilst the River Mersey is bustling with vessels of every marque and size. One can even distinguish people and carts on the roads.

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Fritz Spiegl’s In-Words & Out-Words


A browser’s guide to archaisms, euphemisms, colloquialisms, genteelisms, neologisms, americanisms, loony-leftisms, solecisms, idiotism. Also containing a selection of prejudices from Fritz in this delightful personal ‘dictionary.’.

242 Grams
179 Pages
Dimensions: 13.5 x 21.5

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Keep Taking The Tabloids!


What the papers say and how they say it.

A survey of the contribution to popular culture by Fleet Street as the press was known before Wapping. 

146 Grams
181 Pages
Dimensions: 13 x 19.5 cm

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Lern Yerself Scouse


Newly arrived visitors to Liverpool in the 1960s would have been pleased/startled to discover this book in the style of a Berlitz language guide for travellers abroad. The vagaries of the Scouse dialect are here translated into standard speech, not to be taken seriously but as an amusing insight into the origins of the accent. With the rise of social media and the influence of television etc., dialects are now disappearing and this little book is a snapshot in time. The book also contains short biographies of the three contributors.

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Liverpool & Slavery


This is a facsimile reprint of an anti-slavery book of 1884. It is a no-holds-barred telling of a terrible trade in human misery which is still happening today in many parts of the world, including Britain.

360 grams
118 Pages
Dimensions: 21 x 30 cm

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Merseyside At War


A personal account of living through the blitz in Liverpool as seen through the eyes of a Liverpool schoolboy and ARP Messenger. By the end of the war he was serving with a mine disposal unit in Northern Ireland. The book is illustrated with many photographs of the effects of bombing on the infrastructure and buildings in Liverpool, and the stoic inhabitants going about their business amidst the rubble.

Rodney kept an account of the raids, people killed and many acts of heroism. He also described moments of Scouse humour, such as when a tobacconists’ shop and pub were destroyed by a bomb a docker was heard to moan, “if it’s not the bloody pubs they’re after, it’s the ciggies.”

90 Pages
Dimensions: 21 x 15 cm

ISBN: 9780901367303

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Music Through The Looking Glass


A personal dictionary of musicians’ jargon, stories, shop-talk, odd facts and musical curiosities.

434 Grams
325 Pages
Dimensions: 21 x 14 cm

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Musick Notes


If you’re feeling under the weather, a bit bilious, or just peaky this book will cheer you up and getting you singing. Forty-six songs about all sorts of medical conditions, doctors and cures, [including some for bad cases of love], illustrated with gorgeous covers and music scores are presented in this hardback book. It is the perfect present for any hypochondriacal musician….

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Musick Notes


A bedside book for English Lovers – Fritz investigates the changing meanings and fads of the language…pre-woke!

300 Grams
220 Pages
Dimensions: 13.5 x 21.5 cm

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The Little Red Book


The classic 1973 “Little Red Book” has been reproduced in glorious colour [red] due to demand by the faithful of Anfield and beyond. Read again the wit and wisdom of one of our greatest managers; Bill Shankly. Gasp at his insight into the glorious game, and marvel at his succinctness.

64 Grams
56 pages
Dimensions: 12 cm x 9 cm

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The Liverpool Directory


In 1766 there were approximately 30,000 inhabitants in Liverpool, and 6000 houses. The directory contains the names and occupations of 1134 people deemed important enough to be mentioned with their addresses. Where now would you find a grocer and slopman? There was one in Ranelagh street….need a peruke and barber? Try Water Street where you could also have a hat made [to hide the barber’s work?] . The list of jobs is fascinating, and some of the trades long lost to time. Maybe you’ll find your family name, and learn more about your history.

132 Grams
76 Pages
Dimensions: 21 x 13.5 cm

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